Utterly marvellous Plus graphics on both games, a joy to see.
Excellent music on both games, and a selection of tunes.
Brilliant bangs, cracks, phhllatts, pings, etc. Can't fault it.
Extremely well presented with nice intro screens before levels, main screens and in game graphics and design is marvellous complemented by lovely music.
Having only really been able to play The Enforcer properly, but coming from the same programming team I can assume that Skeet Shoot performs just as well. Nice lovely smooth hardware assisted sprites, moves at great speed and fluidity. Even using the joystick on Enforcer the cross zip across the screen - essential as there's so many enemies to hit very quickly! Very well done indeed.
How to judge this? Who's going to have the lightgun to play this as it is? I guess I have to judge the product on what it's designed for so I'm making a big assumption that the light gun itself picks targets exactly as it should - and given that this package of both games should be tons of fun. Even playing emulated with cross hairs is quite a laugh. Shooting stuff is always good fun.
Definitely a package a GX4000 owner needs. Light guns if they work correctly have always been great fun, its nice to have some different for the console and if you're lucky enough to find one of these then I'll bet that you'll find yourself more on this than the vast majority of games released just as carts...
Light gun package! With 2 great games at a decent price ... doesn't get much better.
AI & Challenge
No real 'AI' to speak of, but lots of variations of enemies on Enforcer. Sometimes grannies are actually evil and suddenly pull a pistol on you - so you have to keep on your toes but try and avoid the innocents! Quite a nice variety and scale of challenge.
GX4000 Features
Lovely use of colours and hardware sprites, no DMA music of course, but top marks here.
A must have package for any GX4000 owner, brilliant fun - but good luck tracking one down.
Final Score