That’s right, my YouTube channel is well up and running now! I’ll be doing videos for ALL the GX4000 games over time which will be shared in the Gamebase of course. There’ll probably be 3 different types of videos for each of the games – (1) A gameplay run-through of just an example of what to expect, (2) a review of the game with me commenting – haven’t worked out the best way to record me talking yet but this’ll come over time and (3) Walkthrough / Speed-runs – already 2 up there at the moment!
Check out my vids now for a speedrun of Robocop 2 on one life! And also each of the levels for Navy Seals!
So check out and subscribe to my YouTube channel…
Ok so the website has now been made live to the public! Hmm I’ve really not finished and tidied everything up to my liking, but my days are getting busier and if I don’t get this online now I probably won’t for ages!
I haven’t written all the reviews in the gamebase, or done the YouTube videos yet – but at least it’ll mean I’ll have something to update on this page to let you know when something goes up 
So welcome to the site and I’ll be getting some great content, scans and articles up here over the next few weeks!
Hello and welcome to my little site dedicated to the GX4000 console. You’ve reached the ‘main site’ where I’ll be posting articles, interesting info, news, interviews if I can get any that are relevant(!) and anything else that I can get my hands on!
As you’ve probably found already there are 2 sections to the site, here the main site as described above and also the ‘gamebase’ section of the site where there is information, screenshots, cheats, reviews, videos and downloads for each game officially released.
This is really just a bit of fun for me and something to do in the little free time I have (I am a very busy guy!), but mainly to just re-introduce me to web design again after so many years. The gamebase section I’ve completely hard coded myself in PHP and MySQL, but as for this section I’ve settled on a WordPress base just to get something online otherwise I’ll be forever more coding something similar. I’m not a big fan of CMS and WordPress (there’s been much swearing at things that don’t work like they should) but for now at least something is up online, so in the coming months you’ll probably see some changes!
I’ve loved all my Amstrad related stuff for many years and I just felt that a good all round encompassing website would be a nice tribute to this often laughed at console – given how little was released in support of it there’s not a great deal to add, but rest assured there’s always something to be made a record of. So I decided to do a site that contains everything you need in one place and to share some nice memories. There are many great Amstrad sites on the net that have GX4000 stuff including’s gamebase, John King’s PCWKing site listing all the games, who scanned in all the manuals, the CPCWiki with various info – all great work for sure – but I felt the need to pull it all together into one place with more detail. It’s not designed as any kind of competition, but another contribution to the ‘scene’ as a fun tool and to keeping the Amstrad alive in the minds of everyone as long as possible.
Anyway, thanks for visiting and be sure to check back once in a while for new content and updates of course
In the mean time I’ll be creating some YouTube videos and starting writing out the articles I have in my head to do…